Increase Your Capacity for Resiliency with Robyn Cortese

Welcome back to the podcast! This week I have Robyn Cortese sharing her amazing perspective. She’s an Air Force veteran, Navy wife, Clinical Pharmacist and mom to two boys. Her youngest son has a very rare genetic disorder that they’re still learning about every day. 

Robyn is different from a lot of our guests because she is pretty new to the special needs mom world, but uses her past training and experiences to bring a fresh and encouraging light to our world. Being a military veteran has given her so many tools towards building resiliency in the face of their son’s unfamiliar diagnosis.  Robyn shares 10 tips on how to increase your own capacity for resiliency. 
1. Take care of YOUR body 
2. Avoid negative outlets 
3. Help others 
4. Be proactive 
5. Look for opportunities for self-discovery 
6. Move towards goals 
7. Keep things in perspective 
8. Accept change 
9. Learn from your past
10. Seek help when you need it 

All of these tips made me so happy. I’m aways saying how great it is to be curious about your thoughts and decisions. This is a whole new take on embracing your strength and becoming more resilient!

Who is Robyn: I’m Robyn Cortese. I earned a Doctorate of Pharmacy and have been practicing as a clinical pharmacist with a focus in pediatrics for 8 years. I am an Air Force veteran with a Commendation Medal. I am a Navy wife and mom to 2 amazing boys. 

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