Empowering Special Needs Moms to Craft Joyful Getaways with Mindful Language, Realistic Expectations, and Creative Co-Creation

Hello and welcome to the podcast. This week’s episode is geared towards special needs moms that are planning vacations, but the 3 tips I give are useful for any time.  Being aware of the things you say, having appropriate expectations and being creative in your planning can help things go more smoothly any day of the week. 

Here are three ways to help plan these activities or getaways:

-Change your language. “I get to” vs “I have to”

-Have realistic expectations

-Co-Creating what works for YOU, your child and your family.

Following these steps can help you have a more enjoyable and successful family adventure.

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IG: https://www.instagram.com/Kararyska/
Website: https://www.kararyska.com/
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